Homicide and Violent Crimes
ACCESS provides services to victims of violent crimes in Boone, Marshall and Story Counties.
Some of the services we provide are:
- Counselors for death notification and support after a homicide
- 24 hour crisis line / 855-983-4641
- Information and referrals for services
- Assistance with funeral arrangements
- Help with Crime Victim Compensation applications and restitution requests
- Advocacy to support victims through the criminal justice system
- Accompaniment to law enforcement/county attorney meetings and court proceedings
- Emotional support
- Family and individual counseling
- Assisting victims in finding housing and/or transportation
- Providing information on victim’s rights
These services are provided to victims of generally the following felony crimes:
- Murder 1st and 2nd Degree
- Attempted Murder 1st and 2nd Degree
- Robbery
- Extortion
- Burglary 1st and 2nd Degree
- Attempted Burglary 1st and 2nd Degree
- Arson 1st Degree
- Kidnapping
- Felony Assaults including Willful Injury, Intimidation with a Weapon, etc.
- Homicide and Serious Injury by Vehicle
- Felony Hate Crimes
If you would like to request services or the crime is not listed here and you have questions, please contact us at 515-292-0500.